Congratulations WA Mental Health Awards finalist Ronnie Deng
The finalists for this year's WA Mental Health Awards have been announced, recognising Ronnie Deng in the category Lived Experience Impact and Inspiration Award.
He was nominated by advocacy group Mental Health Matters 2 for his local and national contributions as a carer, mentor and voice helping the community understand and navigate the mental health care system.
Ronnie immigrated from Singapore in 1976 and has been involved with mental health for more than 30 years. He has worked on a casual basis with the North Metropolitan Health Service, specifically Graylands Hospital since 2016 as carer representative and Lived Experience Consultant.
Ronnie became involved after his wife was admitted to Graylands Hospital and he struggled to understand what was happening and how he could help. He was also faced with the Chinese cultural aspects of dealing with mental health.
He provided input for the review of the Mental Health Act 2014 and continues to be very active in the mental health community through his involvement in a wide range of groups, boards and associations.
The WA Mental Health awards are organised by the WA Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) in partnership with the WA Mental Health Commission. Winners will be announced at an event on Thursday 23 November at the Hyatt Regency in Perth.