Immunisation support
The Boorloo PHU immunisation team provides a range of services to improve immunisation coverage across the Perth metropolitan area, including specific programs for Aboriginal children and families in areas of low vaccination coverage.
Immunisation providers and the public can contact Boorloo PHU for more information or visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below.
Catch-up plans
General Practices (GPs) can request assistance with catch-up immunisation plans by completing the Immunisation Catch Up Plan Request Form (external site), for the following groups:
- people overdue for vaccination up to 20 years of age
- people of any age before or after splenectomy
Please note: catch-up plans can only be provided to GPs. Members of the public should visit their local GP, community health clinic or Aboriginal community health centre.
For more information visit Healthy WA (external site) or the Australian Immunisation Handbook (external site) websites.
Immunisation providers can request a free education session from a specialist immunisation nurse in relation to immunisation catch-ups, cold chain management or other queries.
Aboriginal Health Liaison Officers (AHLO) can provide free education and advice on culturally safe immunisation practices. Please contact Boorloo PHU for more information.
Support for Aboriginal families
Boorloo PHU delivers the Moorditj Start program which supports culturally safe immunisation for Aboriginal children.
Experienced AHLOs can provide telephone support for families, including booking appointments and appointment reminders. A home visiting service is available for Aboriginal children who are overdue for immunisation and are unable to access a vaccination clinic.
Immunisation providers can contact the Boorloo PHU team to request support for Aboriginal families.
Cold chain breach reporting
A cold chain breach (CCB) occurs when vaccine storage temperatures deviate outside the recommended range of +2°C to +8°C. The optimal storage temperature for vaccines is +5°C.
The following breaches must be reported to Boorloo PHU:
- all temperature deviations above +8°C (excluding excursions above +8°C but less than +12°C for 15 minutes or less).
- All deviations below +2°C must be reported regardless of duration.
Report cold chain breaches and vaccine wastage (except expiry) in the Perth metropolitan area via the online form (external site).
To report vaccine expiry, use the Vaccine Incident Reporting Form (external site).
For assistance, contact the Boorloo PHU team via or 1300 623 292. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, excluding public holidays. For urgent assistance out of hours, contact public health on-call on 9328 0553.
Immunisation Resources for Frequently Asked Questions
Vaccine administration errors and adverse events
Ensure the patient is managed clinically.
Report the event to the WA Vaccine Safety Surveillance System (external site)
Schedule and catch-up information
WA Immunisation Schedule (PDF)
Australian Immunisation Handbook Catch-Up Chapter (external site)
WA Meningococcal Vaccines Tables (PDF)
Adult measles vaccination program (external site)
AIH Vaccination for Special Risk Groups (external site)Recommendations for people with functional or anatomical asplenia (external site)
Tips for cold chain management
How to receive vaccines safely
When accepting vaccines ensure the TagAlert is checked and the arrow is pointing towards the green tick before accepting vaccines from OneLink.
Promptly unpack vaccines to a vaccine fridge and document the time and fridge temperature in your min/max logbook when vaccines are placed in the fridge. Ensure several staff are familiar with the process in the event they need to accept the vaccines.
Correct stocking of a vaccine fridge
Ensure vaccines are evenly spaced throughout the cabinet, ideally in plastic baskets with holes to allow for optimal air circulation. Place water bottles in empty spaces at the bottom of the fridge.
Over-stocking and incorrect stocking is a common cause of unstable temperatures and cold chain breaches.
Required temperature monitoring procedures
Vaccines must remain under temperature monitoring at all times to ensure their viability for use.
Each vaccine refrigerator should have a data logger to monitor the temperature every 5 minutes. The data logger report should be downloaded and reviewed weekly, at a minimum.
In addition, the minimum/maximum refrigerator temperature should be checked and recorded twice daily.
Temperatures should be stable and ideally reading +5° C. Vaccines must be stored between +2°C and +8°C. Report all temperature deviations below +2°C or above +8°C (excluding excursions above +8°C but less than +12°C for 15 minutes or less). All deviations below +2°C must be reported regardless of duration.’
Maintenance of a vaccine fridge
The National Vaccine Storage Guidelines ‘Strive for 5’ (external site) 3rd edition, recommends that vaccine refrigerators are serviced every 12 months, and also in the event of a cold chain breach (CCB) where the cause is unknown.
Initial response to a cold chain breach
Do not use vaccines that have been involved a cold chain breach. Refer to the National Vaccine Storage Guidelines ‘Strive for 5’ (external site) and contact Boorloo PHU for support - our team can assist you to manage your breach including to determine whether vaccines need to be moved.
Common vaccine issues
Please check the Australian Immunisation Handbook (external site) website for the most current information for COVID-19 vaccines.
Hepatitis B non-responders (external site)
Recommendations for tetanus-prone wounds (external site)
New shingles vaccines (external site)
Varicella vaccination for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (external site)