Celebrating our dedicated staff!
Going above and beyond in the care and concern she holds for her colleagues and their wellbeing, Stephanie Taylor - Head of Unit, Special Dental Services, MHPHDS has been recognised by her fellow colleagues as the Djeran Employee of the Season!
Stephanie was nominated by her colleagues for her caring, professional and innovative leadership in supporting staff to champion positive change at Dental Health Services. The judges said Stephanie showed care for procedures, patients and staff, and is a respectful and innovative leader.
Dr Catherine Alford Regional Dental Officer, Education and Special Dental Services will award Stephanie via a Teams e-presentation where she will enjoy cupcakes with her team members courtesy of sponsor P&N Bank.
Stephanie clearly demonstrates each of the five values of North Metro and is a worthy recipient of the $150 gift voucher from our generous sponsors.
A special thanks to our generous sponsors Paywise (external site), SmartSalary (external site), P&N Bank (external site) and Hesta (external site).
Congratulations Stephanie, your team obviously think very highly of you!