Do it for Darcy - donate blood today
In a race against time the Keeley family is desperately seeking a bone marrow match for four year old Darcy.
His Aunty Kim Keeley, Senior OT at OPH, said despite searching both the national and international registry, there has been no match for beautiful Darc.
If you are between 18 and 45 years, particularly male and of Australian and/or Irish and/or European descent please book in at your local Red Cross Lifeblood Clinic 13 14 95 to donate blood or plasma and whilst there also sign up to the ABMDR (bone marrow) registry.
Upon arriving at your appointment please let the team know you are there to register with 'Do it for Darcy' and that you would like to also be put on the ABMDR registry. This involves a form and a small additional blood sample being taken.
If for whatever reason you are ineligible to give blood but are between 18 and 45 years, and keen to be added to the ABMDR registry, please call the Perth ABMDR team on 08 9421 2323.
If you are ineligible for both but would like to support Darcy and his family please spread the word and support your loved ones to get to their local Red Cross.
From the bottom of our hearts, the Keeley family and all who love Darcy, thank you.
View Darcy's story (PDF).