Rare and Less Common Cancer Nurse Coordination Service

Support for people with rare and less common cancers

A rare cancer in Australia is defined by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) as a cancer that affects less than six people per 100,000 Australians per year. Less Common Cancers are defined as those with an incidence of between six to 12 (inclusive) per 100,000 people per year.

It is estimated that nationally around 52,000 people are diagnosed with a rare or less common (RLC) cancer each year, representing 30 per cent of all cancer diagnoses.


This service is available Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) 8.30am to 4.30pm and can be contacted on: 6457 0855 or mobile 0488 600 456.



The main rare tumour types are:

  • Rare Endocrine Cancers including advanced/anaplastic thyroid cancers; parathyroid, pituitary and adrenocortical carcinomas; pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.
  • Cancer patients diagnosed with rare cancer syndromes.
  • Other rare cancers (including cancers of unknown primary).



Patients can be treated at most public hospitals in WA, each type of cancer has its own specific treatments and your treating team will guide you through this.

Treatment is often provided across multiple departments and specialities, including medical oncology, radiation oncology, surgery, endocrinology, nuclear medicine and interventional radiology.


Helping you along your cancer journey

The Rare and Less Common Cancer Nurse Coordination Service is a free, statewide service aimed at supporting patients and their family through diagnosis and treatment in the public hospital system.

This service can:

  • provide and explain information on your diagnosis and treatment
  • refer you to other health care professionals where and when appropriate. For example, social work, dietician, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and psychosocial services.
  • coordinate your care, appointments and treatment.
  • be a point of contact


Other useful contacts

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (general enquiries)
Tel: (08) 6457 3333

Royal Perth Hospital (general enquiries)
Tel: (08) 9224 2244

Fiona Stanley Hospital (general enquiries)
Tel: (08) 6152 2222

Cancer Council WA
Tel: 13 11 20
Provides counselling, complementary therapies, support groups and programs, advice, information and resources.

WA Psycho-Oncology Service
Tel: (08) 6457 1177
A clinical psychology service that offers a confidential, free counselling service to patients and families living with cancer.

Tel: (08) 6383 3475
Provides counselling and complementary therapies for cancer patients and their families.


Useful websites

Rare Cancers Australia

NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia

Last Updated: 29/07/2024